Underground Bunkers

With Atompunk comes the atomic age, and with the atomic age comes underground bunkers!

Today we will feature designs for modern, underground bunkers. Live out the end of the world in the bunker of your dreams. Hell, some of these are nicer than my house. Natural lighting might be a bit of an issue…

I think there are many tropes atompunk has to offer, from space exploration to “homes of the future” to surviving a holocaust. Well today, let’s look at how to survive a holocaust forever. Should you be lacking that special someone to survive the coming apocalypse there is actually an online site for you to find someone or even a group of someone’s to plan to spend Armageddon and even the post Armageddon repopulation with. It’s called Survivalist Singles.

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers


underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

underground bunkers

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