Zombies And Heartbreak

As we gear up for our series on dramatic Tragedy this week, a great little appetite wetter would be this drop dead amazing trailer. What is even more amazing is that it’s a trailer for a video game about zombies.

What does a video game about zombies have to do with a steampunk opera? Other than what i say it does? Well, for one thing the Steampunk Opera has a whole lot of dead people, for another this trailer is a great excersize in creative storytelling, and lastly, it’s a great piece to bring up the great theatrical genre of Tragedy as applied to very modern, pop culture terms.

Plus, while quite a few of you have undoubtedly seen it, for those of you who haven’t it is flat out awesome. “Video game trailer” is a pretty banal concept, and “video game trailer for first person zombie invasion shooter” is pretty much guaranteed to sound about as far from high art as you can get. And okay, it’s not high art, but i respect anything that elevates its genre, and THIS elevates it’s Video Game Trailer genre.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/20091818]

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