Discarded Songs From The Steampunk Opera

As i work round the clock to finish the Demo for the 2nd Act of The Dieselpunk Opera (and just fyi, the 3rd Act will be done by mid March. Release date for the Do will be the same as it was for the SO last year, beginning of May) i thought i’d follow through on my promise to put up the tracks that were made for the Steampunk Opera but then replaced.

The first is the track made in place of what eventually became the Voodoopunks song.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/11647793″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

It was replaced for a whole bunch of reasons. 1: The 3rd Act dragged. A lot. 2: I came up with the idea of the subculture being Voodoopunks and decided to write a song that encapsulated that idea better.

The other track is what was in place of Elysian Nights. I wrote at length about why i was deciding to replace it.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/67432977″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

So there you go. In the interest of the process being transparent here they are for those of you who care and missed it the first time.

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4 thoughts on “Discarded Songs From The Steampunk Opera

  1. Right now, looking back on these two songs, I just realised that you actually used the first song’s main melody in “the moth” from the Atompunk opera… And even some of the lyrical ideas if I trust my ears… Then again, I am doing this instead of studying for my uni exams, so I might just be overanalysing this…

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