Star Wars Steampunk Vs. Steam Trek

So perhaps Dr. Steel isn’t the world dominating horse you wish to back. Maybe you want to subvert your will to a stronger, more type A side.

And don’t give me any baloney about being your own free thinker. Look at the world. Look at you. Look back at the world. Look at you. Not doing so good is it? You’ve failed. Time to pick a side for world domination and get to it.

Dr. Steel is a newcomer. Maybe you’re looking for something more classic. The Emperial Empire! (steampunk style of course. This blog isn’t called The New Wave Opera)You simply cannot get more classic.


Finally you can help put an end to the utter chaos that threatens to envelope the world. Bring order to the planet. Don’t be a pussy.


The hard core approach. Hard to argue with it’s potency. Otherwsie what kind of future can there be?  Some nerdy “hard science” utopian vision? Well, if that’s you’re thing, perhaps you want to pull for the Federation.


Whichever side you pick, do it soon. The news is really bumming me out.

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