
It’s no secret i do a bunch of work with Matthew Broyles of The Matthew Show. However, that is not why i’m dedicating a post to his new album Memphis.

I’m dedicating a post to it because i honestly, truly love it. I have found myself putting it into my computer music player night after night when i sit here to do my nightly computer shenanigans. The songs are fun and clever. They’re perfect for an end of day album to nod my head along to and Matthew has always had a penchant for clever and poignant lyrics.

If i have the story right, Matthew and his band went to Memphis for a Folk Alliance concert and somehow got the chance to step into the famed Ardent Studios to do some live recording. After doing the song they were brought in to record in commemoration of a dead friend, they found themselves with a heap of leftover studio time. So the engineer hit the record button and they played a set.

This album is that set. It’s a perfect snapshot of the band at the moment. And the band is TIGHT. They bring Matthew’s songs to life dynamically and wonderfully. This album just does it for me. It makes me feel like i’m sitting on a front porch somewhere in Texas  with a beer after dark, my feet up, nodding my head to some great americana nerd pop.

Listen. Enjoy. If you like, please buy. This is how we musicians feed ourselves. Literally. Eat.

So grab a brew, set your feet up and enjoy.

[bandcamp album=1352393833  bgcol=8b6e96 linkcol=efece6 size=grande3]

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