Frenchy And The Punk

One of the mainstays of the steampunk and cabaret music scene, Frenchy And The Punk (she’s Frenchy, he’s the Punk) are touring behemoths. From music clubs to steampunk cons to faerie and witch festivals they take their in your face eurofolk carnivalpunk across the states to wherevere America and alternate world overlap.

In all this they have recorded a new album which i turn your attention you. Once again we demonstrate how “steampunk music” can an utterly different interpretation for a different artist.

Should you like this music you can check out and buy the full album (or any tracks thereof) here at Bandcamp.

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2 thoughts on “Frenchy And The Punk

  1. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Frenchy and the Punk in 2011 at The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition. It was sadly a one-time convention but it was one of my favorite experiences. I got to see their performance and even speak with them during the weekend. They were do nice, funny and sincere.

  2. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Frenchy and the Punk in 2011 at The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition. It was sadly a one-time convention but it was one of my favorite experiences. I got to see their performance and even speak with them during the weekend. They were do nice, funny and sincere.

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