Steampunk Tooth Fairies. The Movie.

The Steampunk Opera is not the only piece of major length, steamkpunk inspired entertainment being developed. Benedict Mart and an immensely talented team working under Mart Films are developing a feature length film that also takes place in a steampunk world with some dark fantasy elements. They too are in the preproduction phase. Naturally i feel a certain affinity and comradery with other artists attempting such a venture and thus today’s post will feature their upcoming film project: The Wicked Mr. Danior.

Concept art for The Wicked Mr. Danior
concept art for The Wicked Mr. Danior

“This feature film is a steampunk fairy tale that centres on a dentist, Mr Danior, as he enslaves tooth fairies to work on his dentures. Interweaving historical fact with the magical, the story takes the audience though the formation of the dentist profession from the old world “Tooth drawers” to the “Dentist surgeons”, while reinventing the tooth fairy myth.”

You had me at Steampunk Tooth Fairy.

steampunk tooth fairy design
concept art for the steampunk tooth fairies

Here is there test video for the fairy:


You can follow their progress and updates either through their website and blog or through their facebook page. I wish them immense luck and good fortune and i, for one, will be in line on opening night to see the finished product (and if you need music, give me a call).

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