Jason Broderick: Search For A Twitter Star

Jason Broderick, the male lead of A Steampunk Opera, the voice of Edgar, Byron and Soldier 7285 is in the semi finals of Search For A Twitter Star. Voting ended yesterday (AAAAAHHHH! This just came to my attention this morning! Damn it! I would totally have posted this and you all could have voted for him.)

(Note to Jason Broderick or Lauren Osborn or Kayleigh McKnight: Next round, email me! There are a great many people who read this blog who adore you guys. ADORE. You need votes, let me post here on the blog.)

Augh! I’m kicking myself over missing this in time to help. However, that does not mean you cannot enjoy this awesome and amazing performance.

Jason performing Titanium, with Matt Nalton doing the piano and production.


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