Album Pricing?

With the full Steampunk Opera album due out…. Tuesday? Pretty sure Tuesday, the issue of how much to ask for it comes up.

When it eventually gets up on iTunes and Amazon i will have a little less of a say, but it will take about 2 months for the album to appear there and i know some of you fine, fine, sexy folks don’t wish to wait that long. (bless you each and every one) Thus it will be up on Bandcamp first where i can set my own prices.

The albums is 90 minutes and 26 tracks. Basically, it’s a double album. I want the price to be friendly, although just shy of being downright slutty. The album does not exist just for itself. It exists to become a live theater show. I will not make serious money by simply selling it off the net. The performers, who to this date have not been paid a dime will never make diddly squat until the show becomes a reality and this “Original Cast Album” becomes a Thing (although once costs are recouped heaven forbid they make SOMEthing).

I want this album to be heard. I want it played and passed around until it attracts attention.

How much do you think is fair for a 90 minute album of a brand new 4 Act steampunk “opera” that wants to be heard?

12 dollars? 13?

How is 12 dollars?  And of course if you’ve already bought the 1st act you get half off, unless, you know, i won’t STOP you from just buying the whole thing, but when i release it on tues i’ll explain how discount codes will work.

So anyone who feels like it, you may feel free to let me know how $12 US dollars sounds.

One last thing: If you already have the 1st Act you will STILL NEED the NEW 1st Act contained in the full upcoming album. There are a few changes, mostly slight and small but important that make it necessary.

That is all for today. I would have posted a video but we needed to have this little talk. Now go, have a good time, be back by midnight and don’t do books. They fill your head with all sorts of weird things.

Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

3 thoughts on “Album Pricing?

  1. Absolutely splendid!
    Looking forward to the album’s release with great anticipation.

    “don’t do books”
    Egads! But I need them.
    Just a little Wells to ease the pain. Ah yes, that’s the ticket!

  2. I just discovered this today, and have been listening to act 1 on loop for hours now. Marvelous stuff! I was planning on buying it as soon as I’m home from work. I would be happy to pay $13 for the full album.

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