The Most Amusing Steampunk Video You Will See Today.

Why would someone make this? Who knows, why does anyone make anything?  Wtf? Hell if i know, but if you are sitting at your computer at this moment, crying out “I DEMAND 7 MINUTES OF AMUSEMENT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU VASSALS THAT YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ME WITH 7 MINUTES OF AMUSEMENT?!” then fear not. This video is here to satiate your need.

Who made it? My skills at cutting and pasting are once again here to insure you do not die of curiosity:

“A short film from Media Design School based on the sci-fi world of Dr Grordbort created by writer and artist Greg Broadmore from Weta Workshop.

The live action/CGI film was created by 11 students over 22 weeks under the direction of 3D animation program leader James Cunningham.”

Without further ado your 7 minutes of amusement. After that you’re on your own.


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