Villa Vals: House In A Hill

Sorry for the lack of posts but after waiting out Winterpocalypse 2012 in Belgrade, i have a lot of work to catch up on.

Today is for those of you who like to wank on architecture, like myself. I present to you, Villa Vals.



It’s located in Switzerland, in the Alpine hills near the Therme Vals spa.

When the architectural firms of SeARCH and Christian Muller Architects set out to build a home on the spot, they were told by the spa and local authorities that they frowned upon building on the site and wanted no buildings that would obstruct the beautiful views of the popular and luxurious spa.

Naturally, every limitation is in fact an opportunity for creativity. Because the problem was solved with brilliance, by building the house inside the hill.

The design is by Bjarne mastenbroek and christian Müller.




wankity wankity wankity

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