Sing Us A Song, Piano Man

I try very hard to keep this blog from becoming a vanity blog. But you know, i’m a musician, i make music and every now and then i like to share it.

I make albums, theater pieces, and all that jazz, but i also help eek out a living by playing piano. I have never recorded myself playing piano as i keep it utterly separate from my composition and production. On piano, i play just for the moment. However, a promoter here and some other guy asked me to make a recording they can use of myself playing a pile of songs. So i did.

It’s for basic promotion only, and to be honest, i did not spend any time dealing with perfecting the sound, correcting little mistakes, etc. It’s for some bars and clubs to show i can, in fact, play. So i just sat down and played. On some tracks i even pressed record on my crappy little computer camera and took really bad video while i recorded. It can never be used for anything, but it’s here anyway in case you like to stare at something while listening.

Thus, i’m gonna entertain you today by posting a couple of the tracks. They are all covers. I do not care about playing my own material on piano. I spend most of my life creating my own material carefully in the studio and when i play piano i just want to blow off steam playing songs i like by other people. And since folks in bars also like this sort of thing, it’s win-win.

Famous Blue Raincoat:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=390b02″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

Born Under A Bad Sign:


The Amy Winehouse Death Suite:


The Gambler/Pokerface Piano Mash-Up


Let's connect! Here is where you can find me:

2 thoughts on “Sing Us A Song, Piano Man

  1. I’m sure you get this all the time, but you’re really good. Like, really really good. You make me want to learn how to tickle the ivories myself.

    If you wanted to put together an album of piano covers, I’d buy it. I’d buy it, then force it on all of my friends and family because it’s that good.

    Kenny Rogers & Lady Gaga? Genius! Also, I found it particularly fitting that you included a bit of “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” given the Spiritualism posts over the last couple of days.

    You’re awesome, you’re fabulous, and not only because of your musical ability. You put a lot of time and effort into your blog posts, and I always enjoy them. I get a little excited whenever I see a new post posted. Thanks, Paul, for sharing your awesome-sauce with the rest of us!

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