Elysian Night (The Falsetto Song)

Although i’ll probably continue to putz a bit with it, for all intents and purposes here it is.

However, you MUST understand: it is NOT for my voice. Like, REALLY not for my voice. I cannot pull off falsetto to save my life. A few years ago it became all the rage for male singer songwriters to throw all sorts of falsetto tidbits into their songs. Amongst the many ways i scrape by is by playing piano and i have a book full of songs i cover. However, if the song is one of these “use some falsetto” songs, i cannot do it, or must do some utterly reworked version (where you say, sing really low and totally change the song around). This is because i canNOT sing falsetto.

You must picture an actual competent singer singing it. I’m not being overly modest, i know i’m a competent singer under normal circumstances… never gonna win any awards for my voice, but definitely competent. So i’m not playing false modesty when i tell you, really, i can’t do falsetto. Picture this track being sung by someone with a great falsetto voice. You must.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29985366″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=390b02″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

Lastly, i want to just post the song that this new one is replacing. Maybe i’m crazy. maybe i’m making a mistake. I don’t know. Who knows why i make the decisions i do? If you think i’m utterly wrong to replace the old one with the new one i’d be curious to hear that.

[bandcamp track=3084862164 bgcol=541818 linkcol=ebd294 size=venti]

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12 thoughts on “Elysian Night (The Falsetto Song)

  1. I should point out that if i do decide to replace Lullabye, the bit in the 1st Act would be changed also. The snippet in Annabelle must match whichever of these songs is used.

  2. I should point out that if i do decide to replace Lullabye, the bit in the 1st Act would be changed also. The snippet in Annabelle must match whichever of these songs is used.

  3. I love the lullaby, mostly because I love the tie in to the first act–it’s such a haunting counterpoint in Annabelle’s song–but also because I think the rhythm and build move the song forward and hit an emotion that is hopeless and frustrated and bursting to get out. I like Elysian night as well, It’s beautiful, but it doesn’t give me that punched in the gut feeling the same way and I would feel the loss of a theme for Jasper.

  4. I love the lullaby, mostly because I love the tie in to the first act–it’s such a haunting counterpoint in Annabelle’s song–but also because I think the rhythm and build move the song forward and hit an emotion that is hopeless and frustrated and bursting to get out. I like Elysian night as well, It’s beautiful, but it doesn’t give me that punched in the gut feeling the same way and I would feel the loss of a theme for Jasper.

  5. I like Elysian Night much better. it’s more seriously hopeless :). although, you did make me laugh with certain bits of singing:))))

  6. I like Elysian Night much better. it’s more seriously hopeless :). although, you did make me laugh with certain bits of singing:))))

  7. Well…on the face of it, I like them both, but I like the lullaby better. That being said, I am wondering how either song is placed to further the story line. I think that can make the difference. Both songs are good, and boy, Elysium Night would make any counter tenor’s mouth water to sing it. Hell, I’m a mezzo and I would sing it. Since this is Jasper’s only song in the show, and he has limited communication skills, he has to be almost explosively motivated to say these words to whomever he is saying them to.

    Just MHO.

  8. Well…on the face of it, I like them both, but I like the lullaby better. That being said, I am wondering how either song is placed to further the story line. I think that can make the difference. Both songs are good, and boy, Elysium Night would make any counter tenor’s mouth water to sing it. Hell, I’m a mezzo and I would sing it. Since this is Jasper’s only song in the show, and he has limited communication skills, he has to be almost explosively motivated to say these words to whomever he is saying them to.

    Just MHO.

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