Orchestrating The Falsetto Song

It’s a bitch.

While i wrote the song in my head back when i was making all those falsetto song posts, I’ve only had the chance to actually get to it now, and I only have a small portion of my day to devote to it. And it’s bloody tough.

The song is written, it’s just a matter of orchestrating it, but damn, it’s a tough one. It’s not that complex an orchestration, but getting it just right is proving a real challenge. There’s a feel to it i can… feel. But turning that into orchestration that accomplishes it and does NOT over-orchestrate, (always all too easy) but yet has the types of sounds i want, or THINK i want… damn.

I’m fairly certain i’m almost there. I’m zeroing in slowly but surely. I can tell you this: it’ll be called Elysian Night. When i do finish, couple of days at most i believe, i will post it.

That’s all for now.

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