Sondheim’s Cinderella

This is how to do it.

In my discussing this whole “beef up Priscilla thing” i thought i’d show a video that exemplifies how to do what i wish to do…. perfectly.

In a video which combines all 3 ‘Cinderella After The Ball’ bits from the 1st Act of Into The Woods, we see Stephen Sondheim, the composer and lyricist create a perfect template of character which the actress Kim Crosby then just slams out of the park.

In 6 minutes, 3 short scenes, we get a full character complete with foibles, personality, hang ups, quirks, endearingness… and in this example it’s particularly divine, because both the composer who created her and the actress who brings her to life are insanely talented, so that it’s hard to tell at first glance whose hand of brilliance is making the character be so rich. And the truth is, in any great collaboration where 2 real talents are involved, the whole is more than the sum of their parts. The lyrics and music are of a caliber i basically worship, but Kim Crosby’s delivery is what makes me stop being impressed and actually beLIEVE in and utterly care for the person i’m witnessing

So i present this video. As i’ve said, i have very little time Act -wise to work with Priscilla. Much of what i already have needs to be there for other purposes. I have only a little bit of room to work with, but here we see what you can do with 6 minutes of character if you’re good enough.


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