Annabelle Raises The Dead: Lauren Osborn

Act 1 revolves around Annabelle, and she carries the Act hands down.

Enter a singer who is utterly jaw dropping, with a voice and talent that’s so killer, it’s either proof of some type of divinity or clear evidence that pacts with the devil can in fact get you musical mojo: Lauren Osborn.

Lauren not only nails Annabelle, she hits it out of the park. As i’m presenting the entire 1st Act in order, this is the song after New Albion 1, where we meet Annabelle who is…. well, you can read the bloody title now, can’t you.

Let us begin in Annabelle’s lab:

[bandcamp track=2310323937 bgcol=4e1818 linkcol=f7da82 size=venti]

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