Missed Me

More Dresden Dolls!


2 reasons. One, they are always relevant to the show, for as a friend once pointed out, i came up with the entire opera based on a song they wrote about a dildo, so, you know, there’s that.

AND, the other day i was riding a bus back home, toddler asleep on my lap, listening to this here song and suddenly i realized what was wrong with Act 4. Priscilla has no damn personality. She’s like… nice, which i figured was necessary since she needs to… well i can’t give away the plot, but she’s nice. And that’s about it. She has no outstanding personality, nothing that makes her stand out and be… a character. Her background story that i wrote actually HAS potential to draw some quirks from, but i did nothing of the sort and in the actual opera i just let her be… nothing of interest, relying only on the plot to be interesting, and not THE CHARACTER TO DRIVE THE PLOT.

(Or, no, the character does drive the plot, but what drives the character is just a cop out. Something artificial because i knew what the plot needed to do and so i just slapped together a character to do it.)

I know, right? I’m a jackass. So all this i realize while listening to this song, and i realize she needs some quirks. I don’t have the time in the Act to flush her out like i do Annabelle, but i have a more time and opportunity than i’m utilizing. She needs some quirks, some ticks, some…twists of her psyche. And furthermore, whatever this is, THIS needs to be the personality quirk that drives her actions later in the Act. So it doesn’t just happen. It isn’t just a decision. She isn’t just nice. It’s her little fucked-up-ness driving her.

And hopefully i can make the 4th Act stop tapping away at me annoyingly, like it has a problem and i know it but i just can’t see it (because i also REALLY like it, so i could be looking past its flaws, but it won’t stop really lightly tapping me like there’s something i should be seeing….)

So, since i can’t possibly feature enough Dresden Dolls, here’s Missed Me.


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4 thoughts on “Missed Me

  1. Paul, darling…I want you to know, love, love, love you. I love your music, honestly. ( I wish I could convey my tone of voice as I say this, low growl and all.) I laugh when I read your posts, but often have to read them twice to fully understand them. So please, Bubbula, I beg of you, have someone look at your blog posts before you post them. The lack of commas and the run on sentences are leaving me breathless. Think of them as rests for your singers…or something.

    The Dresden Dolls are wonderful as usual.

    1. Ah yes. I tend to just pound out the post without much proofreading so i can send it off and be done with my day. However, it is simply not possible to resist a request such as that, so from here on in, diligence is my middle name. (Or realistically, for the next week or two or however long my ability to self monitor actually lasts)

  2. Paul, darling…I want you to know, love, love, love you. I love your music, honestly. ( I wish I could convey my tone of voice as I say this, low growl and all.) I laugh when I read your posts, but often have to read them twice to fully understand them. So please, Bubbula, I beg of you, have someone look at your blog posts before you post them. The lack of commas and the run on sentences are leaving me breathless. Think of them as rests for your singers…or something.

    The Dresden Dolls are wonderful as usual.

    1. Ah yes. I tend to just pound out the post without much proofreading so i can send it off and be done with my day. However, it is simply not possible to resist a request such as that, so from here on in, diligence is my middle name. (Or realistically, for the next week or two or however long my ability to self monitor actually lasts)

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