Edgar Builds A Business

In order to round out the featured excerpts from The Steampunk Opera, we’re posting a selection from the 2nd Act, mostly featuring Edgar with some Narrator bits in spots. As usual, the vocals are all demo, but since they’re written for a male voice (except for the Narrator, and since i sing both parts, you just have to figure out which is which) and i’m a male, they sound a good bit better than most of the other vocal tracks.

This track is definitely a bit more… theatrical than the other featured pieces. But it does tell a more or less self sufficient story. If you need to know any more: Edgar’s beloved fiancee, Fay, has dumped him. While moping about the house he finds his dead mother’s long discarded notes on raising the dead. There you go.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/21528916″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=390b02″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

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2 thoughts on “Edgar Builds A Business

  1. Wow! Love it. Reminds me of Joss Whedon’s “Dr Horrible’s Singalong Blog” – if Stephen Sondheim had decided to produce it. And that is high praise. Good luck with the project. 🙂

  2. Wow! Love it. Reminds me of Joss Whedon’s “Dr Horrible’s Singalong Blog” – if Stephen Sondheim had decided to produce it. And that is high praise. Good luck with the project. 🙂

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