Sneak Preview Of The Demo Of Track 1 Of The Biopunk Fairytale

Well, track 2 actually. Track 1 is a prologue track. But it’s the first proper music track so… this is not a finished track, and it is not the 18 minute version. In my work station, the first 3 tracks all fade seamlessly into one another and combined make up 18 minutes, but i’m not going to keep them as one track on the finished album. Folks may want to just listen to the individual tracks like this one on their own, so i’ll separate them. Here is a sneak preview of the first song, The Shanty Town.

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5 thoughts on “Sneak Preview Of The Demo Of Track 1 Of The Biopunk Fairytale

  1. Sounds like my kinda town! It’s amazing how you can make a song so catchy and so descriptive that when I listen I can both RAWK OUT and be transported to this beautiful and tragic city you’ve created. Thank you, Paul I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE ALBUM OMG

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