The Forgotten Meme, A Cyberpunk Fairytale Is Out Now On Bandcamp!

The Forgotten Meme A Cyberpunk Fairytale by Paul Shapera
Cover by Shibara at

Featuring Kerttu Aarnipuu, the new album The Forgotten Meme is out now on Bandcamp!

The first in the new fairypunk series (a cyberpunk fairytale, a biopunk fairytale, and the third one still to be announced) it is a simple bedtime fairytale for your enjoyment. Come… visit the lost land of New Albion once more as the future continues on it way.

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10 thoughts on “The Forgotten Meme, A Cyberpunk Fairytale Is Out Now On Bandcamp!


    I was pleasantly shocked to hear Psyche Chimere (Han-mi) return as a full fledged Narrator! And that Raven cameo?! You never cease to leave me absolutely shook


    Wow, I just heard the new album and my gosh, that has to be one of the cutest stories I’ve heard in while, oh my god XD. It was so great to walk around the streets of New Albion again and see how far this city has come and WOW has this city come far from the Steampunk era all the way to the Cyberpunk era.

    The thing that gets me excited were these lines:

    “there’s a boy who’s been kicked out
    from the college hereabouts
    for garish flesh enhancements and extreme mutating cells

    he dreams he’ll find a way
    to rewrite your dna
    change your form, your shape and brand new biospecies thus create”

    This guy sounds like he’s going to be the next Annabel getting kicked out of college for his experiments and everything, an experiment that can probably start a new Voodoopunkesque movement. Hopefully the New Albionites learn from the past.

    It’s amazing what you’ve created here sir and it all got started with a simple scientist who just wanted to bring back her dead boyfriend, wow lol.

  3. Looking forward to listening to this tonight. One suggestion though right off the bat: be careful with file names. It took me a bit to figure out why things were not copying over to my phone, and it was because “Paul Shapera – The Forgotten Meme, A Cyberpunk Fairytale – 03 Just Because You Become Woke In A Dank And Poorly Lit Place Is No Reason Not To Say Good Morning.mp3” was too long.

  4. You have somehow managed to find a vocalist who can so clearly and obviously sound like a meme! Well done, both of you! This character with the most bizarre and unlikely origins is instantly endearing. Now I wish I had a pocket meme to keep me company wherever I go. The album is brilliant. The music is fantastic, and I very much appreciated the nod to our dear, Mad Gertie. As for the storyteller’s voice…it felt as though I was listening to an old friend. Again, BRILLIANT! Will it be available on iTunes soon or should I go ahead and purchase it on Bandcamp?

  5. That was really awesome! Life actually works out for the characters! And I loved the narration.

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