The Ten Best Vampire Songs

What is this based on? Incredibly detailed scientific studies. And my own opinion. Mostly my own opinion. Okay, entirely my own opinion. No, i’m not contemplating doing a vampire based album (although many years ago when i was a wee whippersnapper i wrote several tracks for one,  based on Cain becoming a vampire after meeting Lilith, but alas, that project has been long lost to time), mostly because vampires have been really REALLY played out. But they’ll be back. They’re too awesome to ever go away, we just all need a collective break from them for awhile. And yet, here is a list. I would note, the song actually has to be about Vampires, not just contain the word Vampire in them.

10. Kings Of Leon – Close
It’s a great song and they’re legitimately a really good band.

9. Howlin’ Wolf – Evil (Is Going On)
You can’t talk monster of the dark and not go back to old timey blues. You just can’t.

8. Andre 3000 – Dracula’s Wedding
This track is incredibly fun.

7. Meat Puppets – Vampire
I love the mood on this one.

6. Voltaire – The Vampire Club
And speaking of insanely fun, this one is even more fun. If i were throwing a vampire party i would insist this be played.

5. The Toaies – Possum Kingdom
Okay, i do have a soft spot for the 90s, but also, this song is SO catchy. Why wouldn’t you turn the radio up when this came on?

4. My Chemical Romance – Vampires Will Never Hurt You
It’s freakin MCR, rocking out about Vampires. Seriously people, the math’s not that difficult.

3. Concrete Blonde – Bloodletting
It’s a classic and it’s got it all. Little mood, little attitude.

2. Lush – I Have The Moon
I have a showgaze streak from once upon a time and i love Lush. This song is gorgeous.


  1. Roky Erickson – Night Of The Vampire
    The quintessential vampire song. Just the right amount of old to sound a little classic.


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