Black Friday

The American shitstorm that is Black Friday is something i cannot understand. The day after giving thanksgiving for all you have, you go out to overcrowded stores en masse and fight with others for stuff that’s now on sale. Also, […]


Psychobilly is not Atompunk,  but who cares? We’re following where trails take us, and my sudden interest in rockabilly dictates i check out psychobilly. Psychobilly is essentially rockabilly and punk with tongue in cheek horror imagery. Psychobilly first appeared in […]


While trying to create a music bed for a particular situation in the Atompunk Opera i made this music bed and immediately realized it was rockabilly and rockabilly was in fact what i needed for such a moment. So of […]


While trying to create a music bed for a particular situation in the Atompunk Opera i made this music bed and immediately realized it was rockabilly and rockabilly was in fact what i needed for such a moment. So of […]