Takeover By Diego Meza

Hey Paul!
I emailed this a while back, a Spanish version of one of my favorite songs from DoNA. However you were really busy and mid travel back then so i guess you forgot about it, but no worries, I’m back to pester you and the community!
Anyways, lots of people on discord loved this adaptation, and for a while it was my goal to try and put together an adaptation of the entire opera. Needless to say, it didnt happen (as I haven’t even asked for your permission!).
But I guess this is as good a time as any to reach out to the community, and maybe, just maybe, get this passion project back on. If you are willing to give your permission of course!
Anyways, thanks for the music. It has given me great times and even helped me through tough times. Keep up the go(o)d work, and I guess you can post the entire email as is.


Diego Meza