
What is Aghartha? (Other than an awesome live Miles Davis dark funk album) Aghartha is a mythical hidden city somewhere under the Earth, usually somewhere in Asia. It’s often confused or even merged with Shambhala, another hidden city in Buddist […]

The Compte Saint Germain

In examining the more colorful forms of spirituality that appeared during the Victorian and Edwardian eras, there are some interesting  figures who movements like Theosophy drew upon and reimagined  into a mythological status. The Compte Saint Germaine is perhaps one […]

Theosophy’s Reign

  With her massive, two volume book Isis Unveiled, Blavatsky not only discusses close to the entirety of Western  Occultism and Spiritualism, but all out attacks the scientific materialism and religious orthodoxy of her day. Few Victorian views on these […]