Return Of The Yam Salve Song


I probably posted this before, back when it came out. Honestly, i don’t remember, but it doesn’t matter because the YAM SALVE SONG WILL NEVER DIE. You can beg, you can plead, but you CANNOT DESTROY THE YAM SALVE.

This is all one big in-joke, courtesy of Regina Lutz. Reggie is an author of speculative fiction whose work you can check out here.

Reggie actually goes back to the Coffee Cellar days. She was at the center of the whole scene, and for those of you who actually know the album, she’s the one who says “Into the VOOOOID ooooof the Coffee Cellar. It’s the vortex, man…” as well as about 50 other quotes throughout the album.

In any case, years since, she and her FB circle made up the idea of yam salve, which actually turns out to be an actual thing. It has become a miracle elixir, with powers almost incalculable. It’s glory rose to such heights that it was deemed necessary to immortalize it in song, and thus was my name brought into the conversation.

There’s not much more to say. It’s frickin’ Yam Salve. It is the alpha and the omega. it is all you ever wanted it to be unless it doesn’t want to be in which case do not get on its bad side. You are but mortal.

[bandcamp width=350 height=442 track=2627673745 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e99708 tracklist=false]