Murder Mystery Listening Party: Sunday Feb. 21st 7PM UK, 2PM EST

Kevin & Abi And The Secret Of The Golden Pendant will livestream on Youtube on Sunday Feb. 21st 7PM UK, 2PM EST. As most of you know, before the reveal the playback will pause for up to a half hour so the listeners can confer and make a community guess as to the culprit or culprits.

If they guess correctly i have to…. make a totally kick ass epic Helen’s Hell Hags song. (If i fail the Patreon listening party i have to do another Cocktail Hour. Just so we’re clear, is that happens the Cocktail Hour will be open to all and not Patreon exclusive.) If i win, all of NADS must make a video of themselves doing a thing. If you’re part of NADS you should know or will be told, if you’re not just enjoy the show.

Patreon Party is on Sat. Feb 13th AND Sat Feb. 14th (Yes, there’s two.)

General listening party, that’s most of you reading this, is Sun. Feb. 21th. The game is afoot.