Meet Courtney Ellis, A Dieselpunk Opera Update

Courtney Ellis
Courtney Ellis

So here’s the lowdown:

On wed May 8th i will depart for London to record the 3 vocalists, the always spectacular Lauren Osborn, the stunning Oliver Marsh who played the male lead in the workshop last Dec, and we are thrilled to introduce the AMAZing Courtney Ellis who will play Jacqueline O’Brien.

This is Courtney Ellis:


Is that awesome or what?

From the 9th to the 12th i will record all the vocals. I will be doing a daily video “diary” of the process so you can follow along on this blog, using my spiffy Kindle Fire HD to record and upload.

On the 13th i will fly back and immediately begin mixdown. It should take 2 weeks maximum and then, somewhere in the 20s of May release the album on Bandcamp with iTunes and Amazon release occurring about a month or so later.

I WILL put lyrics to the entire thing up here on the blog under libretto since i know i will get a ton of email otherwise.

So, to recap:

1. Here’s Courtney. She’s awesome.

2. Heading to London May 8th, will be doing daily video updates

3. Album released sometime in the May 20s.
