Lovers and Fighters by Jessica Law & Marion Leeper

Let me start with an enormous thank you. I don’t know what happened yesterday, but my Bandcamp sales were…. INSANE. I know they had a one day special where the artist keeps all the money and BC doesn’t collect revenue, but i didn’t post about it. To be honest, i can’t bring myself to ask for money or do hard promotion during this crisis because so many people are suffering and out of work and financially devastated. So i made a conscious choice to just not worry about the Bandcamp promotion and whatever i happened to sell was whatever i happened to sell that day. I always sell a couple albums every day.


Folk…. WTF?!?! It was the kind of sales i get on an album release day. It was NUTS. I wouldn’t writing this otherwise.

I am so very… speechless and grateful. I do not deserve you wonderful people. I…. want to hug every one of you. I am… (“oh god,” he says while fanning his face, “i promised myself i wouldnt cry…”) I am like cat-girl and you are the cats i think about while trying to make my dating video of life.

Seriously. Thank you all. Now stop being to nice i dont know how to handle kindness.

OK, with that out of the way, Jessica Law, who some of you might know from The Mechanisms, has a new album out:

In her own words:

After months of plotting, recording, mixing, mastering and panicked email exchanges, I’m unbelievably proud to announce that a project that started with a chance meeting in a medieval chapel two years ago has finally reached fruition.

Made in collaboration with acclaimed Cambridge storyteller Marion Leeper, this extravagant concept album has been given that extra prog-folk spice my my talented producer Nick Siepmann. Let our stories and songs sweep you into another world…

As war rages across Europe, fearless female knight Bradamante finally meets a man whose power matches her own. In the midst of a fierce battle, they fall in love. The only problem is, he’s on the enemy side, and in the clutches of an evil necromancer. 

As these two lovers pursue each other around the globe, they face strange monsters, bewitching magic, furious rivalry and everyday prejudice in their fight to be together. Based on the Italian epic poem Orlando Furioso, their story is bizarre, audacious and as relevant today as the day it was written.

I never imagined releasing this album in such strange circumstances, but we hope it allows you to escape from reality, if only for a while. It was extremely fun to make, but a big learning curve, too: cutting a two-hour show down to a tight 36 minutes while making sure the plot still made sense, then finding the perfect audio balance between words and music. We’re all incredibly proud of the result, and we hope you are too!
FREE for the duration of the lockdown! In light of the circumstances, I’ve made this album free to stream, download and share with your friends for the duration of the lockdown. It’s currently available on Bandcamp, and will appear on Spotify, iTunes and your other streaming platform over the next few days.