Earthships are homes. Houses. The catch is that they’re constructed using recycled material, natural material and are utterly self sufficient assuming your requirements are modest. They collect and utilize their own water, waste, light, and add some solar panels and batteries and you’ve got power.
You do not need bricks. You can build with material that is otherwise laying in waste filling up dumps. Tires, cans, plastic bottles all make excellent building materials combined with lots of earth and various techniques.
I could certainly write a lot about earthship and indeed i intend to build one one day, but folks, i’m finishing packing for the trip to London for the recording sessions. We’ll talk about that tomorrow, but for now, enjoy some pretty pictures of a whole new way to build self sustainable housing.
Earthships began in the 1970s, when all the 60s hippies either fell apart, sold out or got serious. Mike Reynolds got serious and began designing homes that would be geo friendly sustainable architecture, be self reliant, off the grid and also cheap as hell and within an average person’s ability to build themselves with their own two hands.
Earthships are set up to collect rainwater and use it for the house. Because the house grows its own food the water is used in different capacities. Water used for washing is grey water and can then go to the plants.
If you find this interesting and want to know how to build an earthship, which is indeed not so difficult, i highly recommend watching this video: