Cocktail Hour: The Final Encore

Folks, as much as i’ve had a blast performing The Cocktail Hour over the past 6 weeks, the toll of learning an entire set every single week coupled with my desire to get to work on The Donner Party album, means that next week will be the final Cocktail Hour.

As such, the rules for requesting are going to be something much easier on me: You can request an encore performance of something already played OR something from my catalogue. If it’s one of mine, then it does not have to be something i’ve performed. For that, i will sit and relearn it.

I will choose based on which are the most requested.

It has been wonderful to have a space with all of you this past month and a half, and perhaps i will do some of these randomly every now and then, but this time is coming to a close. It has been an honor to perform for you, a true honor, but it is time for me to start composing again.

So, remember, requests are either an encore of something from the past 6 weeks, or something from my catalogue. See you Thursday for the last hurrah, and thank you all so much for your time and presence. It has been a joy.