Choose The Next T-Shirt/Hoodie Designs!

In the next few months we’re going to make 3 new pieces of merch with 3 different scenes of characters from the lore. Each one will be designed by a different artist. The artists will be Alyssa Wiswall (Apologetically Offensive), Pixelwayve, and Nek.

Alyssa’s task has already been decided. The other two remain to be seen and that is where you come in.

I would like you to come up with a scene or character you would like made for a t-shirt/hoodie and to pick whether you want Pixelwayve or Nek to create it. You can suggest two scenes/characters and designate which artist should draw which idea. As much as i want it to be a surprise, i have to tell you Alyssa’s already assigned task so you don’t repeat it: Alyssa will be creating a Swingin’ At The Balley scene. Katy and Sheila dancing at the Balley.

FURTHERMORE, if you suggest the idea that goes into production you will get a finished t-shirt of that idea for FREE. I will send you a completed t-shirt free of charge.

Now, it is very likely an idea will be chosen that several people suggest. In this case i will randomly select one of them to receive it.

Selections of these artists can be found on my Instagram here:

So give me your suggestions. Two scenes or characters, each drawn by either Pixelwayve or Nek. Two people will win a free t-shirt of that idea.

People were very generous buying albums on Bandcamp day last friday so i am going to spread the love by giving money to some of the great artists in the scene. Let the suggestions commence.