Cocktail Hour Week 2
Come join the weekly cocktail hour! At 7PM UK time, 3 PM east coast. Watch Paul butcher another hour’s set of material because what the heccin else is there to do?
Musical stories in fantastical worlds
Come join the weekly cocktail hour! At 7PM UK time, 3 PM east coast. Watch Paul butcher another hour’s set of material because what the heccin else is there to do?
We’re working out the kinks this week, so it had to be pre-recorded, but it goes up just a little later.
Welcome to a brand new world of home isolation. I live in Serbia and last night the President laid down some hard core shut downs. Hard core. Many others are in the same situation. So, i am instituting Thursday Cocktail […]
First, a HUGE thank you to everybody on the reception to Katy Shaw. Response has been overwhelmingly fantastic and i am both grateful and ecstatic. The album will be out on Spotify, iTunes, Google, etc soon and i will most […]
Katy Shaw & The Search For The Stolen Secret by Paul Shapera The New Albion noir album Katy Shaw is out now! Come return to us to the jazzier side of the troubled dieselpunk era, for a more intimate story […]
Be careful, when the times for the US were announced, we didn’t realize today was daylight savings over in the states. Over in Europe daylight savings isn’t until the 29th, so clocks between the two countries are an hour off. […]
I mean, have you see that freaking cover?! It’s SO forking good! Who made it? Pixelwayve. You can find a whole jungle of her art here at Thus is March 5th declared Pixelwayve Appreciation Day. Let us peruse some […]
Pre orders are now available for the new album Katy Shaw & The Search For The Stolen Secret, a New Albion noir. Order now and it will be sent to you first thing upon release on March 10. The listening […]
Oliver Marsh Practicing Queen’s Somebody To Love.
It will be here: At 7PM UK time and 2PM US East Coast time we will stream the new New Albion Noir album Katy Shaw & The Search For the Stolen Secret in its entirety. Featuring Candice Price as […]