A Covid Christmas EP Out Now

A Covid Christmas Pixelwayve Paul Shapera


Why not end a horrific, dumpster fire of a year with a collection of horrific Christmas song covers in questionable taste? That’s right, for no discernibly legitimate reason, Kevin H, Pixelwayve, and myself have made an EP of satirical Xmas covers reflecting all the merry terrors of 2020. New classics such as Baby There’s Covid Inside, All I Want For Christmas (Is Death) and Santa Claus Spreads Covid Around can be yours for the low price of $2. With any luck you’ll have a chuckle or two before you return to weeping and day drinking.

Featuring Lauren Osborn (because your tears would not be complete with Lauren to feed off them) and Hayley Warner. Not to mention an incredible job by César Moreira on All I Want For Christmas (Is Death).