Dolls Performance In Purchase, New York


Hidee ho, everybody. Long time… i’ll fill you in tomorrow, but for now i want to make you aware of a performance of Dolls happening in Purchase, New York at the end of March.

This performance will take place not at a theater, but at a lounge, where the line between performer and audience blurs. To quote: “a decaying, ragged underground cocktail lounge known as The Gang of Four. This Lounge has the spirit of a piano bar, the secrecy of a speakeasy and the revelry of a once-lively music hall. A most intimate space, with an eclectic assortment of couches and chairs for 15-20 spectators (The Lounge is inspired by a West Village establishment I frequent in Manhattan called Art Bar).”

(Note, i know the Art Bar well. I used to hang out there regularly in the early 00’s.)


“The audience will be invited to the Lounge about an hour before Dolls begins, and can explore the space (preferably with a cocktail). Once Dolls, the main performance, does begin it will occur all across the Lounge, some moments at tables with the spectator (i.e. the restaurant/lounge where Fay leaves Edgar). The players often are sharing the same space as the spectator, close enough to employ more senses than just sight and sound (each character has a dedicated perfume/fragrance, for example). In a sense, this is a Musical within an Experience, all inspired by the greater New Albion Universe.”

Sounds intriguing, no?

As always, i am not involved with this performance and i cannot personally attest to whether it will be awesome or not, but also as always, i am rooting for this performance and i love the idea.

Edgar Dolls Of New Albion

For those of you still around these parts, i will be back tomorrow to tell of upcoming projects and when you can expect the next sci fi opera series to begin.