Steampunk City: Build your own computer game

So this company, Meshbox 3D, has designed all the components of a 3d animated steampunk city, which they sell either individually or as a full pack.

It’s taking me some time to wrap my head around the concept of what you would use it for. You could build a game around it, a second life-ish world using it…. basically, unlike in the old days when you would buy a real life model city and put the components together as you wish, now you can do the same with these computer 3d buildings.

Although in this case you can virtually “walk” inside the buildings. In fact you can create and entire city with buildings, objects, people..

I’m going to post the pics that have all the different screen shots in one. If you wish to see the different screen shots in the following pics up close just click on the pic and it’ll take you to a page where each shot can be viewed.

This is the Grand Arboretum:


Bookstore and Genuis Lair:

Abandoned Factory and Villian’s Lair:


Get it?

Here’s steampunk Baker Street house ($15):


Opium Den:


But hang on. See, you can also buy characters with which to populate your game or world :



And of course objects, like a steampunk spaceship ($11.95):


Or trolley:


But WAIT! It isn’t simply that you can buy a zeppelin


It’s that you can buy different SKIES (for $7.50):


So i thought that was kinda cool. Meshbox makes all of these. Their official website is here.