Create Paul Shapera’s Bio Picture (Using The Power Of Aaaaarrrrrttt)

I need a picture to use as my bio picture. I hate doing the whole head shot thing and since i’m not an actor i don’t have to. But i do need the bio pic. And one of the things i am blessed with is having a community full of incredible artists. Shockingly incredible.

One of my favorite artists in the community, Masking Tape, made a bio picture that i adore. Just adore and love and pet and coo and tell it sweet things. Alas, she made it on an actual piece of paper and i need something digital.

So what i thought might be fun (and if it’s a terrible idea tell me and i’ll take a different approach) is if anyone is interested, we can hold a little contest. Any artists interested, submit a sketch or mock up, and then i’ll post them all, the fans will vote and the winner will create the finished bio pic and i will pay them $100.

I can hire someone directly, and that might be the way to go, i just thought it might be fun to get the fandom involved and showcase different artists and their interpretations. So if this is something you’re interested in, submit a sketch or mock up, first draft, etc. You can submit it in the comments or email me at Let’s say in the next 5 days. I’ll post all the submissions and the winner will make the final thing.

So, here’s what you’re looking to make. A picture of me. I will use this as my bio pic all across the web. It can be serious, it can be whimsical. Masking Tape’s had me playing piano surrounded by a bunch of my characters. There is a lot of leeway, but front and center has to be a representation of me. If you need me to post some pictures of myself i can do so. I think there’s tons of stuff on the net and on videos to go by, but i am happy to help in any way you might need. The idea of this is to have some fun with the fandom in pursuing this. I cannot tell you how much a love, truly, deeply LOVE the fan art that gets posted. It’s like my favorite thing in the world and makes me happier than i can express in words.