The Lost Fairy, The Conclusion To The Fairypunk Trilogy Is Out Now On Bandcamp

The Lost Fairy Cover A Fairypunk Tale Paul Shapera New Albion
Cover by Shibara

Yes, the insanely exciting conclusion to the Fairypunk series is out now! It’s got notes! And sounds! And troubled people being troubled! And singers singing all the notes really loud except when they sing them soft! The only thing this album doesn’t like is your breath. It wants to take it away. It loves when you’re shook. And dead. And it loves your tears. I wishes it can have them. Maybe it will.

For me, personally, it’s the very last song that does it, believe it or not. It’s the last song when all the hubbub is over that gets me. But hey, maybe you want to be rocked and bopped. Prepare for the bopping. There’s an assault of bopping. Except when it’s pretty and wants to pet you. Softly. Softly pet you like its little kitty. Until the bopping comes. Pet and bop until you beg for mercy, that is what this album wants from you. It wants to change your narrative. It will. Do not fight it. It doesn’t like when you fight it.

Also with 30% more Han Mi.

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