1st Rehearsal

Mark Swetz (Director), Lauren Osborn (Annabelle), Jennifer Harding (Stage Manager), Lily Arnold (Designer)

And now we get down to the nitty gritty.

Today we begun the rehearsal process. For the first several days we’re meeting with the cast individually to work on character, blocking, and singing all the while the designer Lily Arnold pops in and out and puppeteers Joni-Rae Carrack and Faith Brandon work out specs for the Jasper puppet (which should be ready on Thursday).

Jennifer Harding, Mikey Shearer (Jasper) and i.

Any of you who have worked in theater should understand the vast importance of the Stage Manager. Never appreciated by those who have never done a show, the Stage Manager is the one who actually, really holds the whole thing together. Thus it is that Jennifer Harding is always omnipotently present and is the only one who knows where everything and everyone are. Literally, the only one who truly knows.

We present today some videos taken throughout the day to get an idea of what kinds of things are worked on during the first few rehearsals. Lauren Osborn was in first today so we feature her a lot, and by later in the day i was working with her and Mikey Shearer on singing and so couldn’t grab a shot of everyone, like Narrator Kate Young. Everyone in their time.

It was a bit of a long day, but very good. If you want to get to the singing scroll down to the last 2 videos.




